Course Materials Accommodation for Students of Determination


  • Service Time

    On average 7 working days, depending on size, from the date of submitting the required material or request.

  • Service Fee


  • Target Audience

    Employees / Undergraduate

  • Transactions


The Student Accessibility Services Department (SAS) offers material accommodation services for Students of Determination to facilitate access to curriculum and course materials, to ensure equal educational opportunities. Faculty members can apply for this service for their Students of Determination.

1. Click Login.

2. Use your ZU ID and password to login.

3. Fill the "Course Material Accommodation Request Form" fields.

4. Attach the document.

5. Click Submit.

6. Request will be reviewed, and you will be contacted by Student Accessibility Services staff.

Not Applicable

(Dubai): - 04 402 1258 (Abu Dhabi): - 02 599 3228

Not Applicable

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