IT Equipment Request

IT 002

  • Service Time

    As per defined SLA, currently Requests are delivered with SLA of 72 Business Hours.

  • Service Fee


  • Target Audience

    Employees / Undergraduate / Postgraduate

  • Transactions


Request for additional IT equipment (Laptops, Monitors, etc) for more than 3 business days.

Fill the details on IT Equipment Request form available on zuportal under E-Forms section and fill following details.

• Period for which the equipment is needed. (Maximum period one year from the start date.)

• Mention items needed (Laptop, Monitors, etc)

• Provide clear purpose for the request. or

• The IT Equipment issued under this agreement is the joint responsibility of the end user, College or Department that have co-approved this form.

• Mobile devices Such as Laptop, iPAD and mobile phones etc. will be sole responsibility of the end user. (Not department or College)

• In case of loss, theft or damage of the IT equipment, end user or requester will be required to fill out a “ZU Incident Report” and based on the outcome of the evaluation committee, may be liable to pay back the cost of the device to Zayed University.

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