Student Course Registration


  • Service Time

    22 hours

  • Service Fee


  • Target Audience


  • Transactions


Student self-registration to courses for each semester in order to have a schedule

Your key contact person for Online Registration is your ADVISOR. Please make an appointment with your Advisor via ARM to review your planned courses and get the temporary advising hold removed so that you can register to courses.

1. Click Start, you will be redirected to Banner Web site.

2. Click on Secure Area.

3. Enter your ZU ID and Password to login. (Student will only be able to proceed with remaining steps based on his/her time ticket which contains the date and time for registration and can be viewed online on SAP website).

4. Student inserts the courses he/she must register in.

5. Student submits his/her requests and gets an immediate response showing that the process was successfully completed or there is an issue with his/her course selection so he/she will do additional changes to complete the schedule.

Admissions & Registration Department: Abu Dhabi: RegistrarAuh[@] Male Campus 02-5993659 / Female Campus 02-5993773 - Dubai: RegistrarDxb[@] 04-4021444

1. Admissions & Registration Department is not authorized to remove the temporary advising hold for students. The advising hold is temporarily assigned to students in Banner Web and can be removed by students' advisors after advising appointment is complete.

2. Admissions & Registration Department decides dates for online registration for different cohorts of students based on their GPA hours.

Goal 11: Make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.

Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.

Several sustainable development goals are embedded within the services of Registrar’s Office, ensure a quality education by providing quality services. This includes streaming our services to our students to allow them to have peace of mind and focus on their education and personal development than be burdened by administrative paperwork and making inconvenient trips to the campus. Course registration as well as requests for enrolment confirmation and attestation certificates have become web-based services significantly reducing paper waste. This in turn reduces our carbon footprint and helps mitigate the effects of climate change, and the greenhouse gas emissions associated with visiting the campus is another added environmental benefit. Together these benefits contribute to the responsible consumption and production within our institution while providing a high-quality education, and simultaneously prompting sustainable cities and communities.

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